Jun 10, 2010

Current state of mind: Information overload!

For the past few days, without fail, once office hours are over, I will enthusiastically go online and start finding inspirations, ideas and possible venues for the big day! One links leads to another and before you knew it, tons and tons of ideas are presented before you!
The first few days, I was very inspired, looking at beautiful, beautiful wedding pictures of blissfully wedded couples and their gorgeous wedding day celebrations! I took my trusty notebook and started scribbling and writing down all the ideas I like. I guess all brides-to-be have same behavioral patterns! Before I start to hyperventilate and go crazy with all these planning, I had to stop and think of my budget and resources! Sadly, my savings are as little as the available wedding venues in Singapore! Damns! Why are can't we have more locations available for weddings locally??? I don't want to end up having a cookie-cutter wedding where you hold a wedding banquet at a hotel ballroom. It's really too conventional for me. I have always wanted something different, something more personalized. I do hope I will be able to afford something! Hahaha...
For brides-to-be who happened to drop by here at my humble little blog, I hope I inspire you with some ideas too!

 How gorgeous is this???

Check out Green Wedding Shoes for great real wedding inspirations!

For now, I am going back to looking for more ideas! Hopefully to settle a wedding date soon so I can start looking for possible locations in boring Singapore!

Jun 7, 2010

Posting will start soon!

I've always wanted a start a new blog to document my whole wedding process! Before I can start, I must be engage right?! Heehee!
So now I had gotten my ring, I am working hard to plan the wedding! Will post the pictures of Boo's proposal to me after Miss Tan returns from the UK cos those photos were taken from her camera!

So, I will be be back posting the photos and story of our simple and sweet proposal!!!

Watch this blog!!!